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GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It lets you and others work together on projects from anywhere.


GitHub is a widely-used platform for version control and collaboration, allowing developers to work together on software projects. It provides tools for source code management and collaboration.

How GitHub integrates with Staybit

Staybit seamlessly integrates with GitHub to enhance your employee onboarding and offboarding processes, especially in the realm of software development. Explore the powerful features of this integration:

1. Automated User Creation

Staybit automates the creation of GitHub user accounts for your employees, eliminating manual setup tasks. New hires can quickly join your development teams and start contributing to projects without delay.

2. Team Assignments

Effortlessly add employees to the GitHub teams they need to be a part of. Staybit ensures that team collaboration is seamless by placing individuals in the right repositories and projects based on their roles or responsibilities.

3. Role and Permissions Assignment

Define and assign roles and permissions within GitHub through Staybit. Whether it's granting read-only access or administrative privileges, Staybit streamlines the process to provide employees with the right level of control.

4. Secure Offboarding

When an employee leaves the company, Staybit takes care of disabling their GitHub account. This ensures that former employees no longer have access to repositories, contributing to the security of your source code and development projects.